This film explores the challenges faced by modern-day mustangs, from overpopulation and starvation to mistreatment and slaughter. Filmmaker Peter Melhado follows Great Escape Mustang Collaborative through Colorado and New Mexico as they work to integrate these iconic horses into domestic life. Great Escape Mustang Collaborative is an organization dedicated to training, rehabilitating and rehoming mustangs the film captures the resilience of these horses and the trainers who work to give them a domestic life where they are thriving. It celebrates perseverance while addressing the complex issues surrounding mustang management and conservation. The journey showcases the Mustang's resilience and individuality, shedding light on the complexities of managing wild horse populations in the U.S. while striving to preserve their legacy as a symbol of the American West.


Director/DP: Peter Melhado

Producer: Peter Melhado

Edit: Peter Melhado

Sound & Color: Peter Melhado

Give to the Mustangs

Give to the Mustangs ♥


Mustangs are more than just symbols of the untamed spirit of the West—they are living, breathing stories of resilience and freedom. After witnessing their journey in this film, we invite you to become a part of their future. Your support can help us provide sanctuary, training, and a second chance for mustangs to thrive. Every donation, big or small, makes a profound difference in their lives. Join us in giving these incredible animals the care and opportunities they deserve. Together, we can keep their legacy alive. Donate now and be a hero for the wild ones.