Our Sanctuary Herd + Retirement Herd is where Mustangs find peace in our domestic world.
A Home For The Wild Ones
Our Sanctuary Herd is composed of Mustangs who have journeyed through various chapters – from the wild to captivity, but are strongly wired with their wild instincts and have proven themselves to be happier with minimal human interactions. Here, they are granted the freedom to live out their life grazing and roaming, forming bonds within a natural environment that mirrors their native habitats.
When you contribute to the Sanctuary Herd, you're weaving your compassion into the fabric of these Mustangs' lives. Your support directly sustains their pasture lease and overall well-being, ensuring that they get to live out their lives as wild ones.
Supporting Peaceful Retirements
The Retirement Support Initiative at The Great Escape Mustang Collaborative is dedicated to providing extra care as needed for Mustangs that we have promised lifelong care to because of their special needs, offering them a place to thrive and peacefully live out their lives, separately from the Sanctuary Herd.
By supporting this initiative, you're offering these remarkable horses the comfort of retirement, where they can be celebrated for their contributions and simply enjoy life under extra care.
Join the Mustang Guardians
If you believe in what we are offering to these Mustangs please consider supporting our efforts by sponsoring a member of our Sanctuary or Retirement Herd. By embracing the role as a Mustang Guardian, you're not merely contributing; you're becoming a steward of their legacy and a guardian on their journey through domestic life. Join us – become a Mustang Guardian and empower a legacy of protection that echoes through the America and beyond.