"I can't remember a time that my heart didn't beat for horses. While I grew up in a suburb of Atlanta, my spirit lived with the hoofbeats and I would grasp at any opportunity to be near them. I always loved to draw and it was a challenge to get me to focus on any subject matter other than horses. In search of an equine life, I started a pre-veterinarian program for large animals, but my heart was still in the arts. After graduating with a Fine Arts degree and the joy of working through college at a quarter horse farm, I became an educator. The realities of life carried me gradually away from my unrealized dreams. Now a single mom of two teen-agers, a spark has been reignited. Encouraged to paint again, I found my heart come alive when the oils, pigments, manes, spirited gazes, majestic western skies and powerful movements hit the canvas. I knew I was back on the right track and ready to run free.
The adventure of life awaits! And I am ready to run with the wild horses. They possess an undeniable quality of power, freedom, spirit and beauty. Their unbridled nature requires this certain surrender in the act of painting. My desire to study this nature and their striking features progresses effortlessly to the canvas, where my gift as the artist is to paint freely, honoring the creature, yet setting it free. I hope to inspire the same wonder, spirit and life in those who observe, invoking boldness in the drowsy dreamer. I aspire to experience the "other-liness” in life, and see its movement through creation, to inspiration, through oil and canvas, into the experiences of the beholder.”
When you commit to a monthly reoccurring donation to sponsor one of our Wild Sanctuary Mustangs, you receive an art print of the Mustang that you choose to sponsor as a thank you for becoming a Mustang Guardian!
Check out all of Meghan’s artworks of the Sanctuary Herd in our shop!